
Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placed on final exams by others.

Assessment & Evaluation (CCE)

The school will be following pattern of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) for Classes I to VIII. The major emphasis of CCE is on the continuous growth of students ensuring their intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social development and therefore, will not be merely limited to assessment of learners scholastic attainments.CCE as recommended by NCERT scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas. The Formative Assessments and Summative Assessments both will be part of school based assessment.

Formative Assessment will be done on the basis of Pen Paper Test, Assignments, Projects, Oral Testing, Quiz, Home Work, Class Work and other activities in the class. Summative Assessment is the assessment of performance at the end of a term. This will be an End Term Exam.

In addition to the scholastic areas, Co-Scholastic areas like Life Skills, Work Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Attitudes and Values will also be evaluated and graded.