
School Rules

  • School day begins with the morning assembly. All should reach the school premises ten minutes ahead of scheduled time.
  • Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. For this, a student has to learn self-control of his emotions and impulses. He must learn to live in harmony with others.
  • An atmosphere of silence must be maintained by everyone during school hours in classrooms, staff rooms, and the office.
  • Special care must be taken to see that silence is maintained during the change of periods.
  • Students are required to behave politely and avoid the use of indecent languages or actions injurious to the feelings of fellow students, teachers, and others in this school. Any such behavior indicative of hurting others, caste or community will attract serious disciplinary action.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. The school shall not be responsible for lost goods/money.
  • Any damage to the school property shall be made good by the students at fault, or if not traceable, by all the students collectively.
  • Students are expected to take part in extracurricular activities with all enthusiasm.
  • Money, books other than school books, periodicals, newspapers, transistors, pagers, mp3 players, digital players, mobile/cell phones, CDs, storage devices, or any other articles (not approved by the Principal) should not be brought to school. Violating these rules will lead to the confiscation of the article.
  • The classrooms, corridors, and the school premises should be kept neat and clean. No littering is expected.
  • Collection of money or materials for any purpose whatsoever is not allowed. However, it may be undertaken with the prior permission of the Principal. Presenting gifts to any members of the staff on any occasion by the students is prohibited.
  • The school insists on the following measures to be observed by the students. Care must be taken to maintain clean, green surroundings. School premises should not be littered with disposable tumblers, papers, or polythene bags. No use of polythene bags will be appreciated, else a fine of Rs. 10/- would be charged.
  • A child who remains absent continuously for fifteen days without getting his leave sanctioned and fees for the month paid, his name will be struck off from the rolls of the school. Leave applications must have the counter signature of the parents.
  • 80% attendance is compulsory for all students in a session to appear in the Board exams and Home exams.
  • The promotion to any class will be given to any student if he/she passes in all subjects. The students must pass the Terminal and monthly Tests conducted by the school. The performance of the Terminal and monthly Examination will be taken into account for the assessment of the board classes and examination will be taken into account for the assessment of the board classes and the other classes whose Examinations are to be conducted by the school.
  • No refund of fee will be made to any student if he/she wishes to leave the institution immediately after taking admission in any class.
  • The students who appear in the board examination 10th & +1 must secure their admission in the next higher class +1 & +2 within twenty days after their examinations are over by paying Rs. 500/-. This is being done to finish up the syllabus on time. In case of their failure in the board examination, the adjustment will be made. No refund will be made if the student wants to leave the school.
  • The students who fail to appear in any subject of the terminal Examination will be fined Rs. 50 per paper.
  • After the first terminal examination, there will be extra classes for the weak students of board classes. For this, they have to pay extra charges as proposed by the administration. Other students can also join such classes if they wish.
  • Plus one students as well as their parents are advised to get the stream changed within one month after taking admission by depositing Rs. 100/- if they so desire.

If the student is found using unfair means in the terminal examination, he/she will be fined Rs.500/- or expulsion from the school. A record to this fact, will be made in the transfer certificate. The school uniform is mandatory on all working days and for all school functions and educational trips.