
E-learning E-DAC

Shivalik Radiance Senior Secondary School Panchrukhi takes an immense pleasure in announcing that we the leaders in imparting quality education and the E-DAC a pioneer publically listed company in the field of education and technology have joined hands together to facilitate teaching learning process and to solve day to day critical educational problems. Teach next technology enabled smart class program offers the rich content repository highly animated knowledge packed, artistically designed audio visual modules based on universal concept synchronized to curriculum which help students and teachers as follows:-

  • Learning becomes interesting.
  • Teaching becomes easier.
  • Today’s generation is more techno savvy.

These are digitally connected to the knowledge centre. Through the knowledge centre excellent teaching resources such as animation clips, videos, picture, diagrams, and working models etc are brought straight within the class room. The Audio Visual room is mainly used for extra classes and supplementary subjects classes. As the name suggests the audio visual room has all the equipment necessary for conducting audio visual lessons. There is a dedicated computer and a high quality projector which the teachers and the students can make use of during the teaching learning process, group discussions, speeches etc.